Hi all,


Further to yesterday’s email:


If you are having problems downloading a non ‘corrupted’ file directly from the File Store, you appear to need to Log In with your list email and password before clicking on the PDF in the folder. This should then enable you to obtain a working copy. I’m assuming it attempts to encrypt it in some way otherwise.




All the best



Jack Hanson (MLI)  |  Senior Heritage Consultant


LOCUS Consulting  Quantum House  |  3-5 College Street  |  Nottingham  |  NG1 5AQ

T: 0115 943 7967  |  M: 07421 748341  www.locusconsulting.co.uk








Dear All,


Historic England is currently supporting a rolling partnership project between the county councils of Worcestershire, Warwickshire and Staffordshire, and Locus Consulting. The project is looking to develop an affordable ( ! ) model for supporting Neighbourhood Planning groups in championing their local heritage and historic environments.


This has emerged from several years’ worth of work into Neighbourhood Planning across the West Midlands funded by the Historic England Regional Capacity Building scheme, and undertaken in partnerships facilitated by the West Midlands Historic Environment Characterisation Group.


Nick has asked me to circulate the recent closure report of ‘Phase 1’ to the group. This includes a brief overview of key issues and opportunities identified in respect of Neighbourhood Planning during earlier work, alongside details of the working workshop ‘model’, outcomes, and intended direction of future work. To this end, it is a useful summary of work in the West Midlands to date.


The report is attached. Alternatively you can download it from the HER Forum file store.


All the best



P.S. We’ll also be presenting findings from the workshops, earlier work, and the ‘Expanding the Neighbourhood Plan Evidence Base’ project at the December HER Forum meeting in Birmingham.  


Jack Hanson (MLI)  |  Senior Heritage Consultant


LOCUS Consulting   Quantum House  |  3-5 College Street  |  Nottingham  |  NG1 5AQ

T: 0115 943 7967  |  M: 07421 748341   www.locusconsulting.co.uk