

Dear All,

We have been preparing a special issue “Interplay between mineral reactions and deformation” for Lithos as an outcome of our last EGU session.

The special issue will provide an insight into the topic from experimental, field and theoretical point of view. Furthermore, we would like to include a number of papers on reactions and deformation bridging petrology methods and applied research such as CO2 sequestration and geothermal energy. The issue will comprise invited key contributions covering each topic listed below as well as open-call contributions.

Our aim is to gather manuscripts focused on the interplay between metamorphic processes and deformation on all scales, on the rheological behavior of crustal rocks and time scales of metamorphic reactions in order to particularly discuss:


(1) what is the mechanical and chemical response of a rock during mineral reactions and phase transformations,

(2) experimental challenges in studying the mechanical and chemical effect of the phase transformations,

(3) coupled mechanical-chemical numerical modelling,

(4) the impact of grain scale mechanical-chemical interplay on geodynamic reconstructions.  

(5) mineral reactions and deformation in applied research (e.g. CO2 sequestration, geothermal energy)

 We would like to invite you to contribute to this special issue.


Guest Editors:

Lucie Tajcmanova (ETH Zurich; [log in to unmask])

Petr Jerabek (Charles University, Prague)

Johannes Vrijmoed (ETH Zurich)



The deadline for the submission of the contributions will be in February 2016. The special issue is scheduled for fall 2016.

In case of interest, please let me know by 31st July 2015 ( [log in to unmask]).


all the best





Lucie Tajcmanova


Sonneggstrasse 5

8092 Zurich


Tel: 0041-44-632-2977;  room: NO E 59