



Apologies for duplicate postings and double apologies for cluttering up your inbox with two meeting emails within the space of a few minutes.

The 2015 AGU Fall Meeting Abstract deadline is rapidly approaching (5 August). We encourage you to consider submitting an abstract to AGU session T040 “Serpentinites and related ultramafic and mafic rocks of deep origin: Marking a half century of research on their sources and rheologies”


Session rationale:

Beginning largely in the 1960's and coinciding with the development of plate tectonics, evidence from laboratory and field investigations of serpentines and their peridotite and mafic metamorphic cohorts suggested high mobility of these rocks during their journey from the mantle. This stimulated much research, especially through the 1980's, about the reasons for such mobility under crustal conditions. Research over last decade has reflected renewed interest in this topic. This special session is proposed with the aim of encouraging contributions from both laboratory and field investigations of serpentines concerning the nature of their serpentinite sources and how these rocks manage to get to the surface.


Submit an abstract to this session using the following link:


On behalf of the conveners:

Primary Convener:  Stephen H Kirby, U. S. Gelogical Survey, Menlo Park, CA, United States

Convener:  John Wakabayashi, California State University Fresno, Fresno, CA, United States