As we all scramble to put together our abstracts for AGU, please consider this integrative session covering tectonics, climate, and geomorphology at the Fall 2015 AGU meeting:

Invited speakers:
Nicole Gasparini, Tulane
Mong-Han Huang, JPL
Sean Willett, ETH

The Digits: 7836
The Code: : T010
The Title: Climate-tectonic coupling in orogens: Taiwan and beyond
The Description: It’s been three decades since the recognition that mass redistribution by erosion modulates the growth and evolution of orogenic systems.  The interdependent relationships between topographic growth, orographic precipitation, sediment delivery and geomorphic systems, however, remain highly uncertain.  Moreover, although many of these concepts emerged from studies of the Taiwanese orogen, they have been both tested and applied to mountain belts across the globe.   This session will bring together research in climatology, tectonics, and surface processes to assess the current state of understanding and identify new research directions into coupled climate-orogenic systems from around the world.  We welcome contributions from field studies, numerical models, and theoretical approaches that explore feedbacks among various components of these systems.


The Conveners
Brian Yanites, University of Idaho
Eric Kirby, Oregon State University
Jian-Cheng Lee, Academia Sinica

Brian Yanites
Assistant Professor
Dept. of Geological Sciences
University of Idaho
Moscow ID 
Phone: 208-885-4704
Web page: