

Hi Francois,

Could you please provide some more information - specifically, how you
configured your environment before starting the build script ?



On 7 July 2015 at 19:22, Francois Musci <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

> Hi All,
> I haven't found a solution on the fsl group so I decided to write this
> post.
> I encountered two problems : the first one regards the gcc compile (gcc
> 4.9)
> and the last one (the build script reports this message :
> !!ERROR in BUILD!!
>   Could not make the following projects successfully:
>    extras  utils znzlib niftiio fslio giftiio miscmaths newimage libvis
> first_lib meshclass fslvtkio misc_tcl basisfield warpfns bint shapeModel
> MVdisc fslsurface libmeshutils avwutils basil bet2 cluster fast4 feat5 film
> filmbabe flirt fabber baycest fslvbm mcflirt melodic misc_c miscvis mm gps
> randomise siena slicetimer susan tbss fnirt fugue asl_mfree misc_scripts
> fdt first possum sgeutils flameo oxford_asl qboot topup ptx2 lesions eddy)
> Can you redirect me to an official user guide to solve these problems.
> Best Regards
> Francois Musci