


just some short inline comment in addition to what I answered to Tom's mail:

> > At first glance, Holger's "left side" diagram looks okay to me. I'd
> > quibble about the terminology---I think what he's really talking about
> > is the SPARQL Semantics (as opposed to a SPARQL Engine, which seems like
> > an implementation detail which can vary) interfacing with a
> > Dataset---but without digging too deep, this seems like a good approach.
> > It avoids the need for a new query semantics except with respect to the
> > Shapes Graph, but allows SHACL functions to sit in a layer above.
> Holger is indeed talking about a SPARQL engine, as I understand his
> statements, and he has already implemented it as a SPARQL Engine.
> However, note that the group is pretty evenly split on this issue, with
> some feeling that SHACL must be solely an extension to SPARQL, with
> Holger's approach, allowing SHACL to be independent of SPARQL,
> considered too liberal to work well.

If you put it this way we definitely should support Holger! Making one technology that dependent on another is a fast way to disaster...

> I sent a link to Active Triples to another person in the group and the
> answer I got was that this would require a different SHACL engine than
> the one being envisioned, and that engine would not be able to implement
> all of SHACL, and therefore: why would we not want to implement a SPARQL
> engine? I don't have an answer to that, but essentially a non-SPARQL
> approach is seen as counter to the spec in at least some areas.

Because there can/should/must be many different ways to implement a specification. Exactly how would a non-SPARQL approach be counter to the spec?

> If we think this is important, then someone other than me needs to step
> in and make the case. Issue-47[1] is at the crux of this in some way,
> which is why we took a straw vote on it (inconclusive). I'm at a loss to
> say which approach we prefer because I don't understand the issue. It
> seems to be fundamental to how the standard would work. This seems to be
> related to another issue[2] which asks whether the SHACL graphs and the
> instance data must be in the same graph or not (also no conclusion from
> the group).

My gut feeling is that they cannot mandate the number of graphs. If I want to perform streaming validation they are definitely two different graphs.

> If you can do some reading and lend a hand, that would be great.
> Otherwise, we'll just get what we get -- it depends on how much it
> matters to us.

I'm on extremely limited time right now, but if you can say exactly what I need to do, I can try to shove it in...

