In reference to the recent translation recommendation made on this list:

A basic tip for buying translation (which is written, as opposed to interpretation, which is oral):

In the translation field it is widely considered best to translate in only one direction, into your A language.  This is generally the language you grew up speaking and did your university degree in.  In this case it would seem that the recommended service would be best for those looking to go from Spanish into English, though she does not specify that.

More great tips on what to look for in either a translator or an interpreter are here.

Did you know that the vast majority of work that gets translated goes out of English into other languages, and is both written and translated by men? We could do a much better job of translating more work into English in geography, and I would love to see more work by women in particular. This happens to be women in translation month so these gender stats are posted here, and they're quite bad. It would be great to see what they are for geography in particular if anyone is inspired to count that.

in solidarity,

Sara Koopman
Assistant Professor 
Department of Geography
York University
Toronto, Canada

blogging movement analysis at decolonizing solidarity
and weekly term translations at Spanish for social change
tweeting about Colombia and geography at space for peace
connect with me on facebook or on academia

On Wed, Jul 1, 2015 at 7:15 AM, Michael O'Broin <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
Hi all, 

I just want to let people know about this excellent translation service (Spanish-English) for geographers and urban studies people:

The translator has a background in urban studies, so perfect for academic texts etc.

All the best, 
