

Hi all,

Just a follow-up on the BPS statement on WCA. I personally do not think it is complicit with the DWP as has been suggested. I was part of the team who wrote it and I can assure you, we are all very critical of the DWP's position of these things. Many of us are also pressing the BPS to be more vocal and critical too. As an example of this I have asked the BPS ethics committee to consider releasing a statement standing against the provision of therapy linked to benefits sanctions. However they are reluctant to whilst some of the suggestions are circumspect. My personal view is that if we don't speak out before something occurs, or in the early stages of its development, then it can be too late to do so after the fact. Change is often easier to undo than to implement. The WCA report is just part of what I hope is a prolonged and increasingly assertive position on these things. Psychology has often been rather quiet on important issues, and been behind the rest of the community when it comes to speaking out on important issues.  It is our responsibility to change that as much as it is the responsibility of our professional body. I am Director of the DCP's professional standards unit (for the time being at least) and so whilst I can't always speak on behalf of the BPS / DCP, I am aware that whatever I say can be implicitly linked to those organisations. I speak as an individual and as a professional, with a sense of responsibility to all of us. At times I get this wrong and at times what I say / do makes no difference at all. It won't stop me trying though.

All the best.

Dr Stephen Weatherhead
Clinical Psychologist, Chartered with the BPS, HCPC registered
Lecturer in Health Research & Clinical Tutor
Faculty of Health & Medicine
Clinical Psychology - Division of Health Research
C15, Furness College
Lancaster University
Lancaster, Lancashire
Tel: 01524 592 974
Fax: 01524 592 401<>

Twitter: @steweatherhead

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