Dear Colleagues


I would welcome your assistance.


We are trying to capture current best practice on gender and trans equality in the sector for staff and students within the following areas:


-        Maternity/ parental/ flexi work: policies and support

-        Career progression/ staff development

-        Retirement

-        Promotions/ Pay-gap/ Rewards

-        Recruitment and selection

-        Communications/ Publicity/ Events

-        Resources for gender equality initiatives


I’d appreciate completion of the attached form including any web links to information where available. Alternatively please email directly with details/relevant documents.


We are particularly looking for examples where institutions/departments have taken targeted action on identified gender gaps/ inequalities in the areas named above. If you can identify any impact of these that would be most helpful.


Happy to share info collated with colleagues if enough replies have been received. Please indicate whether you’d like your institution to be identified in the summary doc.


A reply by 4th September would be highly appreciated.


Thanks and best wishes





Naseem Anwar

Equality and Diversity Manager

Student Experience and Enhancement Services

University of Strathclyde

Graham Hills Building

Room GH207, Level 2

50 George Street
Glasgow, G1 1QE,

Email: [log in to unmask]


Tel: +44 (0)141 548 2811

Follow the Equality & Diversity Office on Twitter @UniStrathEandD


The University of Strathclyde is a charitable body, registered in Scotland, number SC015263