Dear colleagues with interest in urban security/safety,
(sorry for X posting),

we are delighted to announce this call for a roundtable to explore multi-disciplinary critical perspectives on issues related to urban security/safety - abstract appears below. The roundtable is organised at the annual Congress of AESOP, Prague, 16th July 2015.


Organisers: Simone Tulumello and Feras Hammami.


Five presenters will form the panel. In addition to the organisers, Yosef Jabareen has confirmed as the third panelist and Beatrix Haselsberger will be the discussant.


We still have two seats to complete the panel. If you are partaking AESOP congress and interested in the theme of our roundtable, please send an abstract and a title of proposed presentation (250 words maximum) to Simone Tulumello ([log in to unmask]) by 20th June. Please also include your name and contact details. We will communicate the final composition of the panel before June 25.


Each panellist is expected to make a short presentation (5 - 7 minutes), introducing his/her methodological/conceptual approach to the theme. The presentations will be followed with an open discussion to explore the differences and connections between/in the multidisciplinary critical approaches to security/safety. We are willing to coordinate a joint publication (e.g. a special journal issue) for all contributions.


You are also welcome to join the discussion if you are interested in the theme, and for any reason cannot join as a panelist.


Best wishes,

Simone Tulumello

Roundtable abstract
During the last couple of decades, at the same time as discourses about security and insecurity in the city have been shaping public debates worldwide, urban security and safety have been in the limelight of planning and urban studies. Research has been engaged both in understanding how planning and urban policy may contribute to safest and more cohesive cities, and in exploring critical dimensions (rhetorical, political, agonistic) of security discourses and policy-making.During this roundtable, scholars from different backgrounds (urban planning, urban studies, critical heritage, planning and development) are invited to debate about different methodological and conceptual approaches to urban security and safety in urban and planning studies.The discussants will briefly present (8/10 min. each) the methodological and disciplinary specificities of their research approaches.  Then, debate will be opened with the aim to explore borders, differences, and connections relevant for critical understandings of urban security and safety, nowadays.


Simone Tulumello
Post-doc research fellow, Planning and Geography
Instituto de Ciências Sociais, Universidade de Lisboa

latest publications:

Tulumello S. (2015), “Fear and Urban Planning in Ordinary Cities: From Theory to Practice”, Planning Practice and Research . Doi: 10.1080/02697459.2015.1025677.

Tulumello S. (2015), “Questioning the Universality of Institutional Transformation Theories in Spatial Planning: Shopping Mall Developments in Palermo”, International Planning Studies. Doi: 10.1080/13563475.2015.1029693.

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