


apologies for this delay. I distilled few points about the BDII to 
report to the WLCG Ops Coordination

*) Information System (IS) is considered useful for service discovery, 
used for minor VOs managers and users (especially lcg-infosites) and for 
some migration camapaigns. It will not go away if LHC VOs decide not to 
use it anymore but it will reduce the load of tickets.
    *) Some people have multiple roles as sys admins and smaller VOs 
managers so they are both consumers and providers.
*) IS contains way too much information that is not used. Static and 
dynamic information should be separated but it is useful to have one 
place to queuery
    *) DPM storage IS not as bad as the CEs and is used by several tools
*) Related to the above it is not clear why do we are still supporting 
two schemas it makes it more difficult to support and there are periodic 
tickets for problems with one or the other
*) Filling the schema(s) without YAIM is a pain although that maybe a 
one off if done with another tool it is labour intensive due to the size 
of the schema
     *) Code is ill documented and difficult to understand which parts 
fill the ldif
*) Features like subclusters don't work in Glue 1.3 don't work
*) Mixed content a port for service discovery not the same as HS06 
average value for the cluster used for accounting should be separated
*) Not clear with future technologies such as cloud if some of the 
dynamic entries we publish still make sense

Let me know if you have any other comment in the next hour.


Respect is a rational process. \\//