
I'm curious about the specification of the DCM.delays parameter.  I've read the relevant Neuroimage publication (Kiebel et al., 2007).  As I understand it, it requires the user to specify the time that each ROI was acquired, according to its axial location.

The "Attention to Motion" dataset is *I think* acquired in descending order with a TR = 3.22.  Because of this, and the fact that the ROIs chosen are located near the last slice, I thought that DCM.delays should be = [3.22 3.22 3.22].  The manual does say "the default values are set to the last slice of data."  However, in the script and my GUI this is = [1.66 1.66 1.66].  Am I missing something here?

Also, I'm curious if this setting interacts with the microtime resolution and onset chosen for the GLM.

Thanks in advance!