

Learn how to apply Best Practice to your Social Media activities

Book by Thursday 11th June to secure your place - use code SMBPJISC on booking form for a £30 saving
or book one get 25% off second delegate from same organization*

*** Apologies for cross posting ***

New Date: 30th June 2015

Maximize impact and manage risks of corporate social media activity

Social media are important to Library and Information Services: Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and in-house equivalents are changing the way users obtain, share and exploit information.

Information professionals involved with providing services for the social media environment of an organization must understand the associated risks and benefits of doing so. Furthermore, as key players in the information and communication environment, it is likely that information professionals will contribute to internal social media training and management.

This workshop provides a comprehensive understanding of the elements of governance, and more, by examining a variety of case studies and sources. Using practical exercises, it will demonstrate how to bring about good practice in managing both participation in, and the impact of, social media activity for organizations.

Course highlights:

The programme will cover:

*  Illustrations of the benefits to be achieved, and risks to be managed, in using social media to develop organizational brands and dialogue with customers
*  An overview of the corporate social media landscape, and how the rules of engagement are changing from the the “wild west” of 2000-2010 to the calmer 2010 to the present
*  Features of successful Social Media governance strategies, guidelines and protocols
*  Practical exercises in design and management of social media practices
*  Crisis management planning
*  Managing employee expectations and engagement

Why you should attend:

This workshop is suitable for:

Managers involved in the strategic control of social media such as marketing, communications, strategy and business development
Library and information professionals with responsibilities for managing, or exploiting the value of, their organization’s social media activity
Team leaders with an interest in creating or influencing truly effective social media policy and practice.

On completing the course, you will be able to:

*  Understand the elements of social media governance needed in your organization
*  Identify the risks to which your organization may be exposed
*  Determine the range of roles involved in ensuring good governance
*  Develop a strategy to establish guidance and policies to maximize the benefits and reduce these risks.

Course Director: Dion Lindsay

Cost of workshop - £410.00 plus VAT


"Good content - lots to take away and research further and introduce to others"

"An excellent amount of content in a relatively short amount of time."

"Personable, confident and the right tone."

* not to be used with any other discounts and only one offer per booking

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