

Dear Colleagues,

I would like to invite you to the last UKSG webinar before the summer break - ALTMETRICS FOR LIBRARIANS: A PUBLISHER DASHBOARD, A UNIVERSITY USE CASE

Date: Tuesday 14 July 2015
Time: 1400 BST
Duration: 45 minutes including Q&A (up to 60 minutes maximum if there is sufficient demand for an extended Q&A)

Timon Oefelein - Account Development Manager for North Western Europe, Marketing, Springer
Scott Taylor - Research Services Librarian, The University of Manchester Library

This is a free webinar and open to all. If you are interested, but unable to join the live event, please register anyway as a recording will be made available to all who register.
For more information and to register, please visit

Timon Oefelein will briefly define 'altmetrics' before showing how Springer, a large global STM publisher, provides altmetric data for its journal articles and book content on the SpringerLink platform, to provide valuable and insightful data on the wider impact of published content.

Scott Taylor will provide an overview of how the Scholarly Communications Team at the University of Manchester Library has embedded altmetric support into their standard service to researchers and support staff.

Feedback from June's webinar: "Excellent way of keeping current from the comfort of your desk!" - Virginia Power, University of the West of England
97% of survey respondents would recommend June's webinar.

Thank you for your attention. I do hope you can join us.

Maria Campbell
Digital Communications Associate, UKSG
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