

When I want to compute  command (I need it in the pipeline)

avscale --allparams mat1 | grep -A 4 "Forward half transform" | tail -n 4 > halfmat1

I get following error

"An exception has been thrown
Runtime error:- detected by Newmat: matrix is singular

MatrixType = Crout  # Rows = 3; # Cols = 3
Trace: Crout(lubksb); GeneralSolvI; InvertedMatrix::Evaluate; decompose_aff.

terminate called after throwing an instance of 'NEWMAT::SingularException'

Avscale is part of Flirt tool. I use fsl 5.0.8 on a Ubuntu 14.04 64bit. This code is processed without error on MacOs with FSL 5.0.6 on it. I enclosed the mat1  file. I tought  that matrix could be bad conditioned, mat1 is a output  of command
flirt -in  $i1 -ref $i2 -omat mat1 
where $i1  $i2 preprocessed two  longitudinal scans, but this doesn't work on any subjects.