

We are seeking a co-editor for the Studies in Body and Religion book series published by Lexington Books, a division of Rowman Littlefield. ( This role is an opportunity to elicit and shape a body of literature in an emerging field.


Studies in Body and Religion publishes contemporary research and theory that addresses body as a fundamental category of analysis in the study of religion. Embodied humans conceive of, study, transmit, receive, and practice religion, with and through their bodies and bodily capacities. Volumes in this series will include diverse examples and perspectives on the roles and understandings of body in religion, as well as the influence and importance of religion for body. They will also move conversation on body and religion forward by problematizing “body,” which, like “religion,” is a contested concept. We do not know exactly what religion is, nor do we know exactly what body is, either; much less do we understand their mutual interpenetrations. This series aims to address this by bringing multiple understandings of body into an arena of conversation.


Responsibilities include collaborating with continuing book series co-editor Richard Carp on the following:

  • Identifying, in consultation with the editorial board and the publisher, the direction of the book series;
  • Contacting potential authors and volume editors to solicit strong and relevant manuscripts;
  • Advising authors and editors on manuscripts (e.g. on proposals, submission, revision, language issues);
  • Finding the right reviewers for manuscripts and getting the reviews in an acceptable time frame;
  • Communicating with Lexington Books.

To apply please email a current CV and letter of interest to Richard Carp ([log in to unmask]) and Rebecca Sachs Norris ([log in to unmask]).