

Dear list members,

You are invited to attend the Regional Studies Association's (RSA) forthcoming event on Regional Development in Latin America which also marks the launch of the RSA's Latin America Division.

We have a stellar list of speakers and hope you will be able to attend this free event in Minas Gerais, Brazil. For more details, please see below.

With best wishes,


Regional Development in Latin America - Launch event of the RSA Latin America Division

24th June 2015, Development Bank of Minas Gerais (BDMG), Minas Gerais, Brazil

Organised by Regional Studies Association, the Centre for Regional Development and Planning (Cedeplar-UFMG) and the Development Bank of Minas Gerais (BDMG), this one day event will bring together high profile academics, practitioners and policymakers working in or with an interest in regional development in Latin America.


9:00 - 9:30: Opening

9:30 - 12:00: Regional Development in Latin America

Professor Jose Borello

Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento/ researcher CONICET, Argentina

Professor Amado Villarreal

Director of Instituto para el Desarrollo Regional (IDR), Tecnológico de Monterrey, Mexico

Professor Sérgio Castro

PUC Goiás, former National Secretary of Regional Development, Brazil

Renaud Guillonnet

Manager, Venture Programme, EU-LAC FOUNDATION, Germany

12:00 - 13:30: Lunch break

13:30 - 16:00: Funding Regional Development

Professor Marco Crocco

President of BDMG and professor at Cedeplar-UFMG, Brazil

Professor Gary Dimsky

Chair in Applied Economics, Leeds University Business School, University of Leeds, UK

Elkin Velasquez

Director of the Regional Office for the Caribbean and Latin America - The United Nations Human Settlements Programme, Brazil

German Granda

European Commission, DG REGIO, Belgium

16:00 - 16:30: Coffee break

16:30 - 17:00: Regional Studies Association Latin America Division

Sally Hardy

CEO, Regional Studies Association

Dr Pedro Amaral

Departamento de Economia (Cedeplar/FACE), Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Brazil

Attendance is free, but there is a limited number of seats. To register for the event, please send your full name, institution and e-mail address to [log in to unmask]
For more information on the event, please email to [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]> or go to<>

Daniela Carl
Deputy Chief Executive

Regional Studies Association<>
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