Ladies and Gentlemen,
dear colleagues,

The Federal Government of Germany is about to establish a National Centre for Crime Prevention (Nationales Zentrum fuer Kriminalpraevention).
There are advertised:
One position for the Director, and
two positions for Research Associates.

Applications from Foreign Countries are welcome.
Also scholars with other than German nationality can apply.
However, the principle organiser, the Ministry of the Interior, would like to stress the fact, that applicants with another mother tongue than German are expected to master German language rather fluently, inter alia due to the necessity for scholars to interact with public authorites resp. offices.
[["Aufgrund der engen Kooperation auch mit Behörden sind fließende deutsche Sprachkenntnisse in Wort und Schrift unabdingbar“ ]]

With best regards,
Hans-J. Kerner
Hans-Juergen Kerner
Listserv Mananger, Criminology_CriminalJustice_News
Seniorprofessor, Dr. iur., Institute of Criminology
University of Tuebingen
Sand 7, 72076 Tuebingen, Germany
Phone: +49-7071-297 20 44// Fax: +49-7071-29 51 04
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