Egyptian and Jewish Magic in Antiquity:
Contexts, Contacts, Continuities, and Comparisions
When: July 6-9, 2015
Where: University of Bonn, Germany
Conference Website

From the organizers:

Under the auspices of the Minerva Stiftung, Bonn and Tel Aviv Universities have embarked on the bold initiative to bring together, for the first time, Egyptologists and Hebraists in an international conference aimed at studying ancient magic in an interdisciplinary perspective.

The EJMA Conference will be a four days forum for scholars to exchange their innovative work in ancient Egyptian and Jewish magic. The focus will be on the historical continuity and change of ancient Egyptian and ancient Jewish magical practices from antiquity to the early middle ages. Particularly, we will study the similarities, the differences, and the points of contact between these two magical traditions, with a strong emphasis on the impact of Pharaonic magic on early medieval (Coptic, Jewish and Islamic) magical practices.

We believe that, by studying two different ancient magical traditions from an historical perspective and with a view to a territorial continuity (in the land of Egypt), we will attain a more accurate and fluid overview of the Egyptian and Jewish magical lore throughout the centuries.

For more information, please visit the conference website.