

Dear all,

A reminder of this call for papers:

CFP: Fortean Approaches to the Study of Religion (Deadline for Abstracts
June 15th 2015)

Currently seeking abstract submissions for inclusion in the following
proposed collection:

Damned Facts: Fortean Approaches to the Study of Religion

Edited by Jack Hunter  (Doctoral Candidate, Dept. Archaeology &
Anthropology, University of Bristol)


Over the course of four intriguing books (The Book of the Damned (1919),
New Lands (1925), Lo! (1931), and Wild Talents (1932)), Charles Hoy Fort
meticulously collected hundreds of accounts of anomalous events documented
in scientific journals and newspapers, including such unusual occurrences
as fish falling from the sky, poltergeists, unidentified flying objects,
levitations, mysterious objects, disappearances, ball lightning, and so on.
Throughout all of his works, Fort employed the philosophy of
intermediatism: “that nothing is real, but that nothing is unreal: that all
phenomena are approximations in one way between realness and unrealness.”
Through this rigorously agnostic epistemology Fort was able to explore some
exceedingly strange territory, unearthing phenomena (what he called “damned
facts”), that mainstream science had rejected outright, and in so doing
inspired others to employ a similarly Fortean approach in their own
writings. This collection draws together scholars who have taken a Fortean
approach to the study of religion, itself a category filled with a wide
range of weird and anomalous accounts: from miracles, encounters with
supernatural beings, and self-mortification, to stigmata, spirit possession
and mystical experience.

Some possible themes:

Submissions of abstracts on areas related to the following would be greatly

* Fortean approaches to religion.

* The paranormal in the context of religion and religious studies.

* Explorations of implications of Fortean/paranormal phenomena for the
study of religion

* Relating Fortean concepts to theory, theology, etc.

* Examinations of the relevance of other Fortean writers, e.g. John Keel,
John Michell, Colin Wilson, Robert Anton Wilson, Jacques Vallee, etc. to
the study of religion.

* Intermediatism

* Extraordinary religious phenomena (stigmata, spirit possession, magic,
shamanism, visions, altered states of consciousness etc.)

These are just a few ideas, and I would be more than happy to hear other
thoughts or suggestions for possible chapters that would fit within the
general theme of the book.

If you have any ideas or questions please don’t hesitate to get in touch, I
can be contacted via [log in to unmask]

Deadline for Abstract Submissions and Expressions of Interest: June 15th

The book is currently under consideration by Aporetic Press (

Jack Hunter

PhD Candidate, Dept. Archaeology & Anthropology, University of Bristol.

Co-Editor with Dr. David Luke of 'Talking With the Spirits: Ethnographies
from Between the Worlds

Author of 'Why People Believe in Spirits, Gods and Magic: A Beginner's
Introduction to the Anthropology of the Paranormal