

Pnawn da - mae 'na gymaint o opsiynau posib o ran gair i gyfleu 
'remove', be fase chi'n ei ddweud?

Tynnu'n ôl / tynnu allan / dileu / symud / diddymu ayyb... ... ... tynnu 
allan dwi'n ei ffafrio o fymryn ar hyn o bryd...

Dyma'r baragraff:

///Following a report from one of our Local Authority users regarding a 
potential security issue with this feature, we took steps to ensure that 
this identified potential risk was immediately*removed*.////Under normal 
circumstances it is policy to consult with clients before taking steps 
to *remove*, or significantly change, features.////However, we take 
security very seriously and were obliged to take appropriate measures to 
*remove* the reported potential risk


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