

Dear Vladimir (Apologies for sending this twice, but I forgot to post to the main list last time):

Thank you for your response. I have one follow-up question about exporting data to excel.

I would like to try a traditional ERP analysis by exporting data for each individual electrode, averaged across a 500-900ms time-window, and for each individual trial (i.e., 64 x 1 x 200 [where 200 is No. trials]). 

You previously gave me the following code:
D = spm_eeg_load
m = mean(mean(D(D.indchannel({'Cz', 'Pz'}), D.indsample(0.5):D.indsample(0.9), :)));
save m.txt m -ascii

This successfully gave me a 1 x 1 x 200 array where data is averaged across Cz&Pz, but I have not managed to adjust this to obtain data points for each electrode separately. Also, the code successfully gave me a m.txt file, but the m - ascii command produced the warning message "Attempt to write an unsupported data type to an ASCII file" - do you have any idea why this might be? And is it still appropriate to use the m.txt file despite that warning message?

Thank you very much,