function sD = spm_eeg_dipole_waveforms(S) % Function for extracting source data using dipoles. % FORMAT sD = spm_eeg_dipole_waveforms(S) % % S - input structure (optional) % (optional) fields of S: % S.D - MEEG object or filename of M/EEG mat-file % S.dipoles - (optional) % Structure describing the dipoles % dipoles.pnt - Nx3 matrix of locations in MNI coordinates % dipoles.ori - Nx3 matrix of orientations in MNI coordinates % dipoles.label - Nx1 cell array of dipole labels % % Output: % sD - MEEG object (also written on disk) % _______________________________________________________________________ % Copyright (C) 2013 Wellcome Trust Centre for Neuroimaging % % Disclaimer: this code is provided as an example and is not guaranteed to work % with data on which it was not tested. If it does not work for you, feel % free to improve it and contribute your improvements to the MEEGtools toolbox % in SPM ( % % Vladimir Litvak % $Id: spm_eeg_dipole_waveforms.m 6438 2015-05-18 11:50:42Z vladimir $ [Finter,Fgraph] = spm('FnUIsetup','Dipole waveform extraction', 0); %% %-Get MEEG object %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- try D = S.D; catch [D, sts] = spm_select(1, 'mat', 'Select M/EEG mat file'); if ~sts, D = []; return; end S.D = D; end D = spm_eeg_load(D); [D, ok] = check(D, 'sensfid'); if ~ok if check(D, 'basic') errordlg(['The requested file is not ready for source reconstruction.'... 'Use prep to specify sensors and fiducials.']); else errordlg('The meeg file is corrupt or incomplete'); end return end %% ============ Check the input dipole struct. Create a new one if necessary if ~(isfield(S, 'dipoles') && isfield(S.dipoles, 'pnt') && isfield(S.dipoles, 'ori') && isfield(S.dipoles, 'label') && ... numel(S.dipoles.label)>0 && isequal(size(S.dipoles.pnt), [numel(S.dipoles.label), 3]) && ... isequal(size(S.dipoles.ori), size(S.dipoles.pnt))) S.dipoles = spm_eeg_dipoles_ui; end modality = spm_eeg_modality_ui(D, 1, 1); if strncmp(modality, 'MEG', 3) reducerank = 2; else reducerank = 3; end %% ============ Find or prepare head model if ~isfield(D, 'val') D.val = 1; end if ~isfield(D, 'inv') || ~iscell(D.inv) ||... ~(isfield(D.inv{D.val}, 'forward') && isfield(D.inv{D.val}, 'datareg')) ||... ~isa(D.inv{D.val}.mesh.tess_ctx, 'char') % detects old version of the struct D = spm_eeg_inv_mesh_ui(D, D.val); D = spm_eeg_inv_datareg_ui(D, D.val); D = spm_eeg_inv_forward_ui(D, D.val); end data = spm_eeg_inv_get_vol_sens(D, [], [], [], modality); vol = data.(modality).vol; sens = data.(modality).sens; if isa(vol, 'char') vol = ft_read_vol(vol); end chanind = indchantype(D, modality, 'GOOD'); dipoles = []; dipoles.pos = S.dipoles.pnt; dipoles.ori = S.dipoles.ori; dipoles = ft_transform_geometry(inv(data.transforms.toMNI), dipoles); pnt = dipoles.pos; label = S.dipoles.label; ori = dipoles.ori; for i = 1:numel(label) ori(i, :) = ori(i, :)/norm(ori(i, :)); end [vol, sens] = ft_prepare_vol_sens(vol, sens, 'channel', D.chanlabels(chanind)); %% ============ Compute lead fields for the dipoles nvert = numel(label); Gxyz = ft_compute_leadfield(pnt, sens, vol, 'reducerank', reducerank, 'dipoleunit', 'nA*m', 'chanunit', D.units(chanind)); G = zeros(size(Gxyz, 1), size(Gxyz, 2)/3); for i = 1:nvert G(:, i) = Gxyz(:, (3*i- 2):(3*i))*ori(i, :)'; end %% ============ Use the montage functionality to compute source activity. S = []; S.D = D; montage = []; montage.tra = pinv(G); % This is the key line where the lead field is used to define the transformation montage.labelorg = D.chanlabels(chanind); montage.labelnew = label; S.montage = montage; S.keepothers = false; S.keepsensors = false; sD = spm_eeg_montage(S); sD = chantype(sD, ':', 'LFP'); sD = units(sD, ':', 'nA*m');;