

Dear List,
An interesting discussion, Just to stick my oar in... It is interesting that some commentators refer to the 'object' that come from a process. In my experience of experimenting with processes (especially when the finished artwork is ephemeral) I prefer to think in terms of forming a 'residue' rather than a object.  I'm not trying to undermine the importance of a 'finished' artwork but, if the the focus of the endeavour is the process rather than what it yields- the idea of residue opens up more scope for exploring process in multilayer, non-linear terms.  This idea comes from a live artwork I'm currently developing that translates data through different scenarios (starting with a twitter feed created by the audience through to music and movement) edning up with a residue of data in the form a print out onto a roll of paper. Too much emphasis on an end product can lead to ornamentation of data used in the process. When one thinks of residue, it can come from anywhere in a process, not necessarily the end. It can be a by-product or leaks from within the process. It would be interesting to know what curators think of a residue.

Kind regards

Ashok Mistry
07968 977 820