

Connection link:

(also for Catalin who will be joining us when he is able)

On 26/05/2015 16:49, Jensen, Jens (STFC,RAL,SC) wrote:
> Also I wrote up some notes from last week. Lots of things for tomorrow
> but hopefully quickish ones, and we may have to reorder or postpone
> things a bit.
> 0. Operational blog posts?
> We now have three; 2x from Jens and one from Brian. More please!  Mo-o-ore!
> "A blogger is an encoder or encipherer who habitually uses blogs while a
> blog is a dummy code group especially one used as padding at the
> beginning or end of a message"
> 1. DiRAC update?
> 2. DIRAC update?
> 3. Deletion rates - what happened with them? Should we worry? Is there
> anything we need to do?
> 4. The T2C stuff - what do we need to do? What is the outcome?
> $. Summary of last week's EGI conference? (GridPP
> storage-and-data-management related stuff)?
> Catalin from T1 attended the whole week and will be joining after
> catching up with his boss at 10 and give us a summary of the data
> related stuff.