Dear all,
The School of Modern Languages at Newcastle University has some funding opportunities for postgraduates. Please see below for details, thanks.
Dr Beate Müller
Reader in Modern German Studies
Head of German
School of Modern Languages
Newcastle University
Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 7RU
From: Sarah Leahy
Sent: 06 May 2015 10:59
Subject: PG funding opportunities
Dear All,
As mentioned at last week’s Advisory Board, I’m just writing to remind you that the deadline for applications for funding for PG courses in SML is 12 June. Awards are available for study on any of our taught Masters programmes (fees plus £4,000) and for any MLitt in SML (2 full studentships are available; fees plus £10,000). Full information about awards and how to apply is available here:
The HASS faculty is also offering 35 excellence scholarships for Newcastle students graduating this year with an average of 65% or over, who are continuing to MA study next year on any HASS programme: they offer £2,000 towards the fees (plus an alumni discount of 20%). The deadline for these awards is also 12 June.
NB: to be considered for any of these awards, students must hold an offer of a place on an eligible programme.
Please circulate this information to your subject lists.
Many thanks,
Dr Sarah Leahy, Senior Lecturer in French and Film
School of Modern Languages, Newcastle University, Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 7RU, UK.
MA Film: Theory & Practice   ǀ   Studies in French Cinema  ǀ   ANR: CinePop50
My working days are Tuesday-Friday.