

Hi Kevin,

A column full of zeroes cause the model to be rank deficient. For these cases, just don't include the null EV. The model will have one extra degree of freedom at that level for that subject, which won't be a problem.

All the best,


On 30 May 2015 at 21:06, Kevin Japardi <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
Hello FSL message board,

I have a perplexing conundrum that I would appreciate some feedback on.

I'm using a remote associate task in my scan, and modelling periods of correct/incorrect trials in my Feat design. (So for each condition, there are two potential EVs.)

Let's say a participant gets a condition completely correct, such that there isn't an incorrect EV made in my data scripts. When I run their first level Feat, should I:

A) only include the EV for correct answers (no 2nd EV)?


B) include the EV for correct answers, and a "null" EV modelling incorrect (a string of zeros in the text file)?

Currently, I've been following option B figuring I should keep everyone's models the same. But our results are turning out a bit funky, so I wanted to see if I was making a wrong judgement in setting up my first levels.

Thank you,
Kevin Japardi