Dear all,
I'm pleased to inform that two Ecolinguistics publications have just come out in Brazil.
I) The first is the book ANÁLISE DO DISCURSO ECOLÓGICA (ADE), Campinas: Pontes, 2015 (Ecological Discourse Analysis - EDA).
Instead of ideologies and power relations, as is usually done, EDA emphasizes a defence of life and a struggle against everything that might cause suffering to a living being. Being an ecological discipline, it looks at its object of study from a holistic viewpoint. This means that it does not ignore ideologies and power relations. The difference in relation to other forms of DA is that EDA follows and ecoideology (ideology of life), which includes the other ideologies.
For more information, please, contact the publisher:

II) The second is the journal ECOLINGUÍSTICA: REVISTA BRASILEIRA DE ECOLOGIA E LINGUAGEM (ECO-REBEL), v. 1, n. 1, 2015 (Ecolinguistics: Brazilian journal of ecology and language). Here is the Table of Contents:

1. Ecolinguística - A história de uma ideia verde para o estudo da linguagem, Alwin Fill
Porque **ecolinguística**, Adam Makkai
2. Biodiversidade e diversidade etnolinguística na Amazônia, Aryon Dall?Igna Rodrigues
3. Linguística ecossistêmica, Hildo Honório do Couto
4. Por uma análise do discurso ecológica, Hildo Honório do Couto & Elza Kioko N. N. do Couto
5. Um estudo da ecologia do contato de línguas em Timor-Leste, Davi Borges de Albuquerque
6. O ambiente como argumento final na imprensa brasileira, Rui Ramos
7. Por uma identidade ecolinguística, Francisco Gomes de Matos

Here is the addres of ECO-REBEL:

Volume 1, n. 2 is under preparation, and will appear soon.
With best ecolinguistic regards,