

The Coalition government refused to monitor progress on the Independent Living Strategy - launched by the last Labour government but with all-Party support.  Over the last couple of years an informal group of disability activists have been meeting to discuss how to take the independent living agenda forward in these difficult times.  We identified three particular issues which need monitoring and highlighting: 'caps' placed on the amount of support that local authorities are willing to fund to support people living in their own homes; restrictions placed on how people can use and receive direct payments/personal budgets; and what is happening to people in receipt of Independent Living Fund grants as the ILF is closed down and funding responsibilities transferred to local authorities.  In general, we also want to track the impact of reductions in social care budgets on people's independent living opportunities. 

This survey, hosted on In Control's website, aims to gather information about all these issues.  If you or anyone you know depends on social care support please consider responding to the survey.


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