

Imágenes integradas 1 ISSN:1695-7121


Rethinking Sustainable Tourism: Looking Ahead in a Shifting World 
On the 20th Anniversary of The Lanzarote 1995 Charter for Sustainable Tourism 
Edited by: Eduardo Fayos-Solà, Cipriano Marín and Heredina Fernández-Betancort

The Lanzarote Charter for Sustainable Tourism was proclaimed on the occasion of the First World Conference on Sustainable Tourism, held in Lanzarote (Canary Islands, Spain) on 27-28 April 1995, and organized by UNESCO, UNWTO, UNEP and UN-DESA, among other institutions. The Conference was pioneering in the launch of the sustainability concept for tourism, and created a solid foundation for later work on this field.

This special issue of Pasos covers many of the concerns over sustainability in tourism raised over the past years, two decades after the Charter, while looking forward to the challenges and inner beauty of tourism within a future Green Global Society.


Areas (please see all 18 suggested themes below):

1.                   Sustainability yesterday and tomorrow:  Tourism intelligent futures, Tourism and inclusive sustainable development, Climate change to re-shape tourism, Tourism in the green economy, Tourism supporting biodiversity, Heritage as a driver for sustainable tourism, Building a culture of peace through tourism.

2.                   Science, technology, and innovation:  Removing barriers to technological innovation, Science as a key resource for tourism, Transfer of knowledge to and within sustainable tourism, Renewable energy and tourism, Intelligent Tourism.

3.                   Governance and Policy: New challenges and opportunities in tourism governance and policy, Finding new ways for destination tourism governance, Symbiotic partnerships in sustainable tourism management, Sustainable tourism strategies and management, Measuring sustainable tourism, Summing up governance and policy recommendations

Call for Papers: Important dates

Deadline for full paper submission: 31 August 2015

Final draft: 15 October 2015

Publishing: December 2015


Send to the journal:

VERY IMPORTANT:  You must include in NOTES the Identification of the thematic area (please see the 18 themes described below) to which you assign your article. Please include the code SP2015-6 before the title.


Author´s guidelines: (Español) (English) 

Max. 9,000 words for articles and essays. Max. 5000 words for research notes, Max. 200 words for all  abstracts and max. five key words.

Manuscripts will be accepted in English, Spanish or Portuguese.

For any further information please contact: [log in to unmask]

Best regards

Agustín Santana Talavera
Director Instituto Universitario de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales
Fac. Ciencias Políticas y Sociales, Campus de Guajara
Universidad de La Laguna. CP 38205, La Laguna, Tenerife, ESPAÑA-SPAIN
Email Universidad: [log in to unmask]
Email personal: [log in to unmask]
Director PASOS, Revista de Turismo y Patrimonio Cultural
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