For information.


The Black Studies Association presents
Blackness in Britain 2015:
‘The Black Special Relationship’: African American scholarship and its impact on Black intellectual life in Britain
Friday 30th- Saturday 31st October
Birmingham City University
Confirmed Keynotes:
Professor Patricia Hill Collins
Associate Professor Barnor Hesse
Professor Gus John
Professor Denise Ferreira De Silva
CfP: DEADLINE for abstracts 1st May. Details here
Places limited. Register for the conference here
The Blackness in Britain conference series is concerned with the past and future histories and narratives of Black populations in the UK and the wider African diaspora. In our second interdisciplinary conference we invite scholars, intellectuals and activists to examine how Black British intellectual life has been influenced by African American scholarship. Despite the absence of Black Studies programmes in British Universities, Black communities in the UK have a long history of community activism that has been deeply engaged with the scholarship of Black America.
The conference invites papers that begin to reframe and trouble ideas of African American exceptionalism as it relates to ideas of Blackness and Black intellectual thought in the UK and the wider African diaspora. We invite papers that discuss new formations of Black intellectual life inside and outside of the academy that consider critical points of unity, utility and solidarity alongside the limits, differences and points of departure between Blackness in Britain and Black America.
We are looking for a wide range of contribution on topic covering interdisciplinary fields including (but not limited to): Politics, Education, Sociology, History, Theology, Media, Criminology, Literature, Philosophy, Geography, Psychology.
Dr Kehinde Andrews
Senior Lecturer in Sociology
Birmingham City University
City North Campus, Perry Barr
Birmingham, B42 2SU
Tel. (+44)121 331 5000 ext. 5526