

Hi Julian,

> I seem to experience the same problem. Did you find why the image resolution was changed? I want to segment a 1x1x1 image and get native tissue images in 1x1x1 but the Dartel imported in 1.5x1.5x1.5 and I would of course like to keep them in my original resolution.

Just as a reminder, this is not as "of course" as it may look like. 
Citing one of my favorite figures (#3 from Ashburner et al., 1997, 
p348), you can see that overall scaling to MNI space is ~1.42.

In other words, the brain is bigger by that factor already when you 
write it out to normalized space, which again means that the "same 
resolution" already requires quite a bit of interpolation (or "inventing" :)


PD Dr. med. Marko Wilke
  Facharzt für Kinder- und Jugendmedizin
  Leiter, Experimentelle Pädiatrische Neurobildgebung
  Abt. III (Neuropädiatrie)

Marko Wilke, MD, PhD
  Head, Experimental Pediatric Neuroimaging
  University Children's Hospital
  Dept. III (Pediatric Neurology)

Hoppe-Seyler-Str. 1
  D - 72076 Tübingen, Germany
  Tel. +49 7071 29-83416
  Fax  +49 7071 29-5473
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