

Dear Colleagues,

Some of you saw my presentation at the October SRN conference in Potsdam about my multi-media script analysis ebook on The African Queen. I now have a second ebook, analyzing the story structure of Thelma & Louise, nearly completed. I’m hoping to make a third ebook, on Kramer vs. Kramer, and have all three ready by mid-summer. In the meantime, though, I need to do some beta testing. There was such a good response to my African Queen ebook, I’m hoping some of you might be able to help me test my ebook on Thelma & Louise.

Thus, I am inviting you all to participate in a screenwriting-teachers-only feedback forum, functioning much like the comments section on a blog post, to help refine the technology, as well as polish the content, on this new media learning experience utilizing video, audio, animation and interactivity.

A bit more about this project: I have been giving lectures on script analysis for over 20 years (The New School and School of Visual Arts in New York, Lucasfilm and Pixar in California). About a year ago, I discovered that the technology exists to convert video-dependent lectures into a multi-media digital learning platform. Working with a programmer, I am developing web-streamed, Android and iOS app versions to reach as close to 100% of digital devices as possible. Our current beta testing is on the web-streamed version for desktop and laptop computer viewing. Later, we will be testing the apps. Ultimately, I have about 25 lectures I plan to convert into digital form.

I hope you will join me in my process of developing this exciting new technology. You will have the opportunity to not only see the Thelma & Louise ebook, but also to interact with fellow screenwriting teachers in a digital forum. I will also ask you to fill out a short questionnaire at the end. This is a chance to see, firsthand, the future of visual learning!

For more information and to register, please click here:


Jennine Lanouette
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P.S. Because this question often comes up: The use of photos and videos in Screentakes ebooks constitutes Fair Use under US Copyright Law. Also, the Copyright Ruling in 2012, providing exemptions from the DMCA, held that circumvention of DVD encryption is allowed when using short portions of a motion picture for the purposes of criticism or comment in short videos and nonfiction multimedia ebooks offering film analysis.