

Influencers include:

   - *Chris Walker
   father of the Principals of Holistic Information Governance, an independent
   consultant and an analyst with Digital Clarity Group
   - *Bassam Zarkout
   CTO of RSD, is a thought leader in the information governance space
   (conception, design, development and implementation), a frequent speaker at
   key industry eventsand a 20 year Information Governance veteran
   - *James Lappin <>*, an independent
   records management consultant and trainer
   - *Robin Woolen
   founder and principal consultant at The Records Guru®, IG industry veteran
   circa 1994

Continue reading for the influencers’ insight.

Dallas, Tx
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"The problems of our economy have occurred not as an outgrowth of
laissez-faire, unbridled competition.
They have occurred under the guidance of federal agencies, and under the
umbrella of federal regulations."
Senator Ted Kennedy, in defending trucking deregulation in 1978.

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