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=== Artificial Evolution 2015 (EA-2015) ===
===  EA-2015  https://ea2015.inria.fr/         ===
===  Lyon - France - 26-28 October 2015 ===
===  SUBMISSION DEADLINE:  Extended  May 11th 2015         ===

The Biennial International Conference on Artificial Evolution (EA-2015) will celebrate its 12th anniversary from 26 to 28 October 2015 in Lyon, France.

Authors are invited to submit original papers related, but not limited to the following topics:

- Evolutionary computation, evolutionary optimization, co-evolution, natural computing, soft computing.
- Nature or biologically-inspired paradigm (swarm intelligence, artificial ants, artificial immune systems, cultural algorithms, scatter search and path relinking, quantum annealing etc).
-  Estimation of distribution algorithms and other methods based on probabilistic models.
- Artificial Life, population dynamics.
- Theory, algorithm design and evaluation, implementations.
- Genetic Programming
- Application of evolutionary paradigms to the Real World (biosciences, industry, social-economic sciences etc). Continuous and global Optimization, combinatorial and discrete optimization.
- Multi-objective optimization, dynamic optimization, constraint handling.
- Memetic algorithms.
- Machine Learning and hybridization with other soft computing techniques.
- Bioinformatics
- Evolutionary robotics…

The 2015 edition will continue the tradition which has been progressively established during its previous
- Quality: With a rigorous selection by a high profile International Program Committee, the selected
papers (12 pages, LNCS format) are planned to be published by Springer (like for all previous editions).
-  Comfort: The single session formula of 30mn presentations eases fruitful exchanges between the
authors and participants.
Best value: As a non-profit conference, only minimal conference fees are required to cover conference facilities, conference proceedings, lunches, coffee breaks, a social event and the conference banquet dinner.

Important dates
 Conference: 26-28 October 2015
  Submission extended deadline: 11 May 2015  
 • Notification of acceptance: 21 June 2015
 • Camera-ready paper: 12 July 2015

Paper submission 
When submitting a paper to EA-2015, authors shall select one of the following three types of submission:

• Long-size paper: original unpublished work in the classical format (max 14 pages, in Springer LNCS style). Any submission accepted as a long-size paper will be presented as an oral presentation during the conference (20 min talk + 10 min for questions).
• Medium-size paper: original unpublished work in a shorter format (6-8 pages, in Springer LNCS style). Any submission accepted as a medium-size paper will be presented as a poster presentation during the conference (+ 2 min for oral presentation).
• Oral presentation only: typically a paper that has already been published elsewhere which might be relevant in the scope of the conference (no restriction, any format). Any submission accepted as an oral-only paper will be presented as an oral presentation during the conference. Notice that an oral-only submission will appear in the conference pre-proceedings, but will NOT appear in the Springer LNCS post-proceedings.

Organizing Committee
- Stéphane Bonnevay (General Chair, Local Organisation)
- Véronique Deslandres (Local Organisation)
- Eric Duchene (Local Organisation)
- Aurelien Dumez (Admin Web)
- Gérald Gavin (Local Organisation)
- Laetitia Jourdan (Publicity)
- Pierrick Legrand (LNCS Publication)
- Sébastien Vérel (Treasurer)

Steering Committee
- Stéphane Bonnevay
- Pierre Collet
- Pierrick Legrand
- Evelyne Lutton
- Nicolas Monmarché
- Marc Schoenauer
Pr. Laetitia Jourdan
CRIStAL/INRIA/Université Lille 1
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40, Avenue Halley
59650 Villeneuve d’Ascq Cedex
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