




ALISS  visit to Lambeth Palace Library 20th May 2pm


ALISS (Association of Librarians and Information professionals in the Social Sciences).  are pleased to announce an opportunity to visit the Lambeth palace Library and


The library is located in Central London near the Houses of Parliament. The Library holds over 120,000 books, 40,000 pamphlets and 100 current periodicals relating mainly to the history of the Church of England, church architecture, and religious history. It is also the church of England archive and holder of many rare early manuscripts


The visit will include

A tour of the service, a chance to view some key holdings and meet with the staff


Lambeth Palace Library




Tel.: +44 (0)20 7898 1400



The visit will last approximately  2.5 hours


Free to aliss members

Non members £5


To book email

Heather Dawson

ALISS secretary

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