Dear Colleagues

Who are at the EGU - I would like to remind you with the "Thermodynamic Modelling in Earth Sciences" workshop (SC36/GMPV7.14/TS10.3).

The workshop will be tomorrow (10:30 - 12:00 and 13:30 - 15:00) at room B7 (near to the blue posters). No per-registration are needed.

Workshop convener
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Mag.Dr.rer.nat. Tamer Abu-Alam
[log in to unmask]" class="" _e_onclick="selEm(_this);" _e_ondblclick="onDblClkRcp();" _e_oncontextmenu="onRwCm();" _fjnk="1" _dn="Buiter Susanne" _rt="SMTP" _em="[log in to unmask]" _ao="3"> 
[log in to unmask]" class="" _e_onclick="selEm(_this);" _e_ondblclick="onDblClkRcp();" _e_oncontextmenu="onRwCm();" _fjnk="1" _dn="Buiter Susanne" _rt="SMTP" _em="[log in to unmask]" _ao="3">Researcher of Geology, Norwegian Polar Institute, Tromsø, Norway
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