

Hello experts,

i’ve been using melodic with data I’ve collected in response to 5 min video clips (unfortunately my stimuli have to be this long because of some of the other measures I’m using). I was able to run dual regression on these data to compare activation between gender and other groups with no problem. I learned that the output from dual regression includes individual subject’s time courses for each component identified in the ICA (this represents activation across time correct?). I was wondering if these data could be popped into excel or matlab and whether I could calculate %change for each individual, or even perhaps group subjects and calculate percent change over time for several subjects? I’d like to be able to take these data and compare it to a continuous measure of temp that was collected during the videos concurrently with brain activation.

Does featquery do this quicker or is this something different from what I’m asking about?

Mayte Parada Ph.D.
Laboratory for the Biopsychosocial Study of Sexuality
McGill University
1205 Docteur Penfield 
Montreal QC
Canada H3A 1B1
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(514) 398-5323