

[Please circulate amongst other political theorists]
The ECPR has recently made some changes to the way it handles its Standing Groups, including the Political Theory Standing Group. Most importantly, they now require Standing Groups to have at least 100 members (further details here: To that end, we ask political theorists based in Europe (and elsewhere) to consider registering as members of the Political Theory Standing Group. (The ECPR will not allow us to pass our membership lists onto them, instead they require all members to join the Standing Group through their website.)
There is no charge for registering as a member of our Standing Group, and doing so should be relatively easy. First, you need a MyECPR account – which you will have if you have attended an ECPR event in the last few years. If you do not have one, you can create an account here: (follow the link to ‘Create a New Account’) - it should only take a few minutes. Second, you need to follow this link and select ‘Join Standing Group’:
We think that it is important to maintain a strong Political Theory Standing Group. A substantial presence within the ECPR ensures that political theorists have an opportunity to participate in the Annual Conference (in Montréal this year, and next year in Prague), to organise workshops at the Joint Sessions (in Warsaw this year, and Pisa next year), to convene meetings at the Research Sessions (in Nijmegen this year) and to organise summer schools and other events. More information about the Political Theory Standing Group is available here:
Kind regards,
Adina Preda & Andrew Shorten (Political Theory Standing Group Convenors)