

I am looking for two post-doctoral researchers to work on body-based user interfaces, including mid-air interaction, gesture-based UIs, interaction directly on the skin, and muscle stimulation for body-based output.

The researchers will work on the project Body-UI, recently funded by the European Research Council. The project will combine results and methods from research on embodied cognition with recent advances in technologies for body-based UIs. We seek to understand how using the body to control computers changes the way users think and to demonstrate body-based user interfaces that offer new and better forms of interaction with computers.

The positions are for 2.5 years; the deadline for applications is May 15. There is much more information on the positions at

Best regards, Kasper
Kasper Hornbæk, Professor, PhD
Department of Computer Science, University of Copenhagen
Njalsgade 128, build. 24, 5th floor, DK-2300 Copenhagen, Denmark
e-mail: [log in to unmask], www:, skype: kasperhornbaek
phn: +45 35321425, fax: +45 35321401, mbl: +45 30957883
Hiring post docs. and PhDs,<>