

Dear Özgür,

I think this is the Evershed article you're looking for, but it is a 1993 article, not 2010- in all other respects appears to fit your request.

Best wishes

Dana Challinor, MA (Oxon), MSc
Freelance Archaeobotanist: Wood and Charcoal
University of Oxford: DPhil candidate

----- Original Message -----
From: "Özgür Cizer" <[log in to unmask]>
To: [log in to unmask]
Sent: Friday, 24 April, 2015 3:53:48 PM
Subject: article request

Dear all,

I would be glad, if I can have access to the following articles from the special issue "Biomolecular Archaeology" of the Journal World Archaeology.. Unfortunatelly our university facilities have just very restricted access to this journal.

Biomolecular archaeology of wheat: Past, present and future
Terence A. Brown, Robin G. Allaby, Keri A. Brown & Martin K. Jones (2010)
pages 64-73

Identifying problematic remains of ancient plant foods: A comparison of the role of chemical, histological and morphological criteria
Gordon Hillman, Sue Wales, Frances McLaren, John Evans & Ann Butler (2010)
pages 94-121

Biomolecular archaeology and lipids (2010)
R. P. Evershed 
pages 74-93

many thanks in advance,

Özgür Çizer, PhD. Candidate

University of Tuebingen,
Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
Institute of Archaeological Sciences
Department of Archaeozoology and Archaeobotany

Ruemelinstrasse 23 D-72070

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