

Dear all:

It is a pleasure to invite you to NACSIC2015 - New Applications of Cubic
Silicon Carbide. It takes place in Oslo on May 28-29, 2015.

NACSIC 2015 is the first workshop that gathers stakeholders in the emerging
field of cubic SiC as an active material for energy applications. The
workshop is intended to demonstrate promising systems utilizing c-SiC in
invited and contributed talks. Also, it will serve as an important arena for
networking and initiation of European projects. A limited number of
participants and ample time for discussions will ensure a stimulating and
rewarding workshop.

Oslo in late May is usually very beautiful, with long days and comfortable

You can read more about the workshop and how to register at

With regards,
Ole Martin
Ole Martin Løvvik, Dr.scient.
Senior research scientist, SINTEF Materials and Chemistry, Oslo, Norway
Professor II, Dept. of Physics, University of Oslo, Norway

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