

Dear all (apologies for cross posting),

Deadline extension
We have decided to extend the Call for Papers deadline to Monday 9th March, 5pm. For those who have missed the deadline yesterday, abstracts should be no longer than 250 words and must be sent by e-mail to [log in to unmask]

We invite papers and panels including, but not limited to the following topics:

- Myths and social representations
- Mythic imagination
- Myth in popular culture
- The role of institutions in the myth making process
- Myth, knowledge and reality
- Narratives of myths, mythical narratives
- Myths and power
- Myth debunking in academia
- Problematic myths
- Myth and social discourse
- Myth as a framework for understanding social life
- Myths and memory
- Ancient myths and/vs modern myths

Travel bursaries
There will be six travel bursaries available at £50/person. If you would like to be considered for a travel bursary, please send an extra paragraph (150 words maximum) with your abstract explaining why you need the funding.

Registrations for the PG Conference on 'Myth(s) in the Social Sciences and Humanities' at the University of York are now open. Discounted prices are offered to all undergraduates as well as White Rose DTC postgraduates: