


 When running tbss_4_prestats on my group, N=291, I get the mask files but not the all_FA_skeletonized file. The following is what is outputted :

"creating skeleton mask using threshold .2
creating skeleton distancemap (for use in projection search)
projecting all FA data onto skeleton
/usr/pubsw/packages/fsl/fsl- line 99: 22245 Killed                  ${FSLDIR}/bin/tbss_skeleton -i mean_FA -p $thresh mean_FA_skeleton_mask_dst ${FSLDIR}/data/standard/LowerCingulum_1mm all_FA all_FA_skeletonised

now run stats - for example:
randomise -i all_FA_skeletonised -o tbss -m mean_FA_skeleton_mask -d design.mat -t design.con -n 500 --T2 -V
(after generating design.mat and design.con)"

A thread from last year titled "all_FA_skeletonized" seemed to suggest it might be a memory problem.

If I split up the all_FA file into 3 groups and then run tbss_4_prestats on each of the 3 all_FA files to get 3 all_FA_skeletonized, could I then merge the 3 all_FA_skeletonized files and basically get the same thing as if I had just ran it on the original N=291 all_FA file?

Does anyone have suggestions on how to get it to work?

Much appreciated! Thank you in advance -Marybel