

Hi Anderson,

But is there a way to calculate p values and size of each tracts in
clusters from whole brain analysis and not from specific mask.

Thank you,


# Hi Archana,
# There's one big cluster that involves multiple structures. It doesn't make
# much sense to break down this cluster into sub-clusters (?) and try to
# obtain a p-value for each after randomise has already run. Instead, if
# you'd like to run a test on a given structure, define a mask for that
# structure, and give it to randomise with the option "-m".
# All the best,
# Anderson
# On 16 March 2015 at 05:19, Archana Malagi <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
#> ---------------------------- Original Message
#> ----------------------------
#> Subject: Re: [FSL] How to extract cluster size and p values
#> From:    [log in to unmask]
#> Date:    Mon, March 16, 2015 10:31 am
#> To:      [log in to unmask]
#> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
#> Hi Rosalia and Eduardo,
#> As discussed, i applied threshold 0.96 , 0.97 while using cluster
#> command
#> and also attached snapshot of tbss results :
#> threshold 0.96
#> Cluster Index   Voxels  MAX     MAX X (vox)     MAX Y (vox)     MAX Z
#> (vox)     COG X
#> (vox)   COG Y (vox)     COG Z (vox)
#> 1       32483   0.999   70      150     105     84.3    126     94.2
#> and threshold 0.97
#> Cluster Index   Voxels  MAX     MAX X (vox)     MAX Y (vox)     MAX Z
#> (vox)     COG X
#> (vox)   COG Y (vox)     COG Z (vox)
#> 1       31264   0.999   70      150     105     84.1    126     94.2
#> Results of atlasquery with threshold: 0.96 and 0.97 gives same results.
#> As a result, it gives only one cluster for both the thresholds and most
#> of
#> cluster the lies is in right hemisphere.
#> Thank you,
#> Archana