

Hi Marika et al,

Jak's options are to
*hold a dance or function studded with celebrities giving their time for free
*seek funding on an international level.

I'm sure there are individuals in the States or even the East willing to donate towards this project.

Isn't there a European funding body out there also?

Fundraising amongst the Nubian community in the UK is notoriously slow - the general public at large are more willing/likely to give to re-house an elderly pensioner battered on his own doorstep or sign petitions for badly behaved tv presenters which doesn't cost them a penny!

Nice to see Red Nose Day broke their own record in reaching over £1 billion in donations & pledges...


Be safe at all times - not just Bank Holiday a few copies for your youngsters & their friends

An education campaign started in Portsmouth to improve young people's knowledge of their rights when stopped and searched by the police.

From: msherwood <[log in to unmask]>
Sender: The Black and Asian Studies Association <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Sat, 14 Mar 2015 18:02:11 -0000
To: <[log in to unmask]>
ReplyTo: The Black and Asian Studies Association <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: Black War Memorial in danger

I don’t know if any of you attended by unveiling of this memorial. It is now in real danger as Jak has not been able to raise the required money.


Can any of you suggest how enough money could be raised?  (Of course, you could also donate - on )


In hope,
