

On Fri, 27 Feb 2015, R Morris wrote:

> I have a VST rice compressed omegacam image, and I would like to open 
> gaia on one of the 32 FITS extension images. According to 
> I can do 
>  gaia o20120527_00259.fits'[4]'
> But that still opens gaia on the first (blank) image and pops up the hdu 
> chooser which is not the behaviour I want. I want it to open up the 4th 
> (of 32) images.
> I'm using gaia 4.4.5 from the star-2014A release.
> Can I get the behaviour I want? 

Hi Rhys,

sorry that method isn't going to work for compressed images, just for 
extensions with ordinary images. If you really don't want to use the HDU 
browser to expand these for you, you'll need to do a little bit of 
preprocessing. Either of:

    % imcopy o20120527_00259.fits temp.fits
    % gaia temp.fits'[4]'

    % imcopy o20120527_00259.fits'[3]' temp.fits
    % gaia temp.fits

should do it. Use the first version (which creates an MEF of uncompressed 
images) if you are intending to inspect more than one image.



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