

Dear Anders,

Did you reorientate all fmri images?


On Sun, Feb 8, 2015 at 2:11 AM, Anders Eklund <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
Dear SPM experts,

I'm trying to analyze an fMRI dataset but the normalization to MNI space is not optimal. The anatomical volume seems to be transformed correctly, but not the fMRI data. I suspect this is because the T1 volume and the fMRI data have different coordinate origins. I changed the coordinate system of the fMRI data (using the display function), such that 0 0 0 is in the anterior commissure. However, when I try to realign this dataset I get the following error (but the realignment works for the fMRI dataset with the original coordinate origin). Any idea of how to fix this?

I'm running SPM8 with Matlab 2014b in Centos 6.6, computer has 16 GB of memory. fMRI dataset is 64 * 64 * 33 * 160.

Running 'Realign: Estimate & Reslice'
FailedĀ  'Realign: Estimate & Reslice'
Error usingĀ  :
Maximum variable size allowed by the program is exceeded.
In file "/home/andek/spm8/spm_realign.m" (v6071), function "smooth_vol" at line 391.
In file "/home/andek/spm8/spm_realign.m" (v6071), function "realign_series" at line 265.
In file "/home/andek/spm8/spm_realign.m" (v6071), function "spm_realign" at line 118.
In file "/home/andek/spm8/config/spm_run_realign_estwrite.m" (v4152), function "spm_run_realign_estwrite" at line 26.

Anders Eklund, PhD