

Hello to all,
I 'm seeking your help again with a flexible factorial design that gives me
the following error:

Running 'Factorial design specification'
Mapping files                           :                        ...done
Design configuration                    : Failed  'Factorial design
Error using ==> spm_meanby at 31
*row dimension mismatch between inputs*
In file "/Users/lauraravasi/Documents/MATLAB/spm8/spm_meanby.m" (v1143),
function "spm_meanby" at line 31.
In file
(v4185), function "spm_run_factorial_design" at line 804.

The following modules did not run:
Failed: Factorial design specification

So I'm not sure where my problem comes from as my design is as follows:
10 subjects in total, 2 groups : Group 1 (n=6) and group 2 (n=4) ; Each
subject has been scanned 3 times at Time 1, 2 and 3.

I would like to see the main effect of the subject and the interaction of
group and time, so I wrote main effect 1 and interaction 2 3.

I have 30 scans, all with the same origin, voxel size and dimensions...

Here is the matrix that I uploaded after having selected all my scans..

Any help will be very welcome...



  Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4  1 image Subject Group Time     1 1 1
1  1 1 1 2  1 1 1 3  1 2 1 1  1 2 1 2  1 2 1 3  1 3 1 1  1 3 1 2  1 3 1 3  1
4 1 1  1 4 1 2  1 4 1 3  1 5 1 1  1 5 1 2  1 5 1 3  1 6 1 1  1 6 1 2  1 6 1
3  1 7 2 1  1 7 2 2  1 7 2 3  1 8 2 1  1 8 2 2  1 8 2 3  1 9 2 1  1 9 2 2  1
9 2 3  1 10 2 1  1 10 2 2  1 10 2 3


*Laura Ravasi*