

Dear all,

I thought these two opportunities would be of interest. See below a call for papers for the First World Congress of Comparative Economics & a Call for applications for Editors for Alternautas Blog.


Call for Editors for <> Alternautas<>

Alternautas,<> an academic blog dedicated to analysis and discussions of critical perspectives on development emerging from Latin America, is seeking to expand its Editorial Team.


Alternautas was formed in late 2013 by a group of young scholars who shared the desire to bring to mainstream contemporary discussions of development the valuable contributions from Critical Latin American thinking. For too long, the dominance of the English language has served the reproduction of mainstream Eurocentric and Western frameworks and discourses on development ideas, concepts, and models, or –more generally- of the regulative principles steering the evolution of contemporary societies. Our motivation was, precisely, an attempt to expand such discussions to include the vast and valuable body of relevant and original thinking about such issues from Latin America, or Abya Yala, as its native population used to refer to it. And in this case, the language boundaries proved as difficult to overcome as the regional ones. Alternautas, thus, emerged from a desire to bridge such boundaries, by bringing Latin American intellectual reflections on development to larger, English-speaking, audiences.  In May 2014, our academic blog was launched onto the world wide web:

Almost a year later, our virtual community is thriving. Alternautas has organised panels at international conferences, expanded its subscribers and followers in social networks, become a platform to share news and announcements, obtained its ISSN number, organised collaboration with other development-related institutions and most importantly, has brought together a consistent and steady flow of contributions on critical development thinking to its peer-reviewed academic blog. Recently, the 2014 contributions have been collected in the first issue of a virtual journal that will be expanded and maintained in 2015. It is our hope that in continuing to develop Alternautas’ discussions the Abya Yala contributions to critical development thinking will continue bridging language barriers, crossing  regional boundaries and joining the global quest for societal alternatives for a fairer, better, and sustainable future. For this, we are looking for Alternautas Editorial Team new members. Ideally, you will:

  *   Be interested in bridging cultural and regional boundaries in bringing together and expanding Latin American contributions to global discussions in critical development thinking.
  *   Be working in Latin American studies, Politics, Development, Anthropology, Sociology, Cultural studies, Philosophy or a related area. Be able to work in English and either Portuguese or Spanish, in order to contribute in writing, translating and editing content for the blog.
  *   While our workload is very flexible. You should be able to commit to work in a flexible and virtual collaborative team. Normally, you should expect that the time commitment shouldn’t be more than a couple of hours a week and you should be able to join a one hour Skype meeting once a month.

If you are interested in joining us, send us an email with a brief statement of your interest in our work and a CV to [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>, by March 15th, 2015.  More information in -<>


Call for Papers


Rome, June 25-27, 2015

The European Association for Comparative Economic Studies (EACES), The Association for Comparative Economic Studies (ACES<>), The Japanese Association for Comparative Economic Studies (JACES<>), The Korean Association for Comparative Economic Studies (KACES), The Italian Association for Comparative Economic Studies (AISSEC<>), The European Association for Evolutionary Political Economy (EAEPE<>) and other scientific associations and networks are issuing a call for papers for the panels they will be organizing for the first World Congress of Comparative Economics in Rome (Italy) on June 25-27, 2015.We invite submissions of entire panels - including a session chair, 4 abstracts/papers and 2-4 discussants. In addition, also individual abstracts/papers can be submitted. All submissions have to be realised in the CONFERENCE MAKER (soon available), by also selecting the Association (that will realise the selection). A Conference website will be soon active.

Submissions will be possible from October 1, 2014 to February 15, 2015 Information about acceptance/rejection by March 10 Registration and payment of the conference fees will be possible in the CONFERENCE MAKER (soon available): early registrations (with reduced fees) before March 30; late registrations from April 1 to May 31.

Local Organizing Committee: Sebastiano Fadda, Pasquale Tridico and Marcello Signorelli

Scientific Organizing Committee: Josef C. Brada, Elisabetta Croci Angelini, Wolfram Elsner, Saul Estrin, Masaaki Kuboniwa, Tomasz Mickiewicz, Marcello Signorelli, Pasquale Tridico, Milica Uvalic,

More details available at and the EACES website: As for additional information, please contact Marcello Signorelli (EACES past-president and advisory board member) at the following e-mail address: [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>

Best wishes,  Ana

Ana E. Carballo
PhD Candidate
Center for the Study of Democracy
Department of Politics and International Relations
University of Westminster
32-38 Wells Street

The University of Westminster is a charity and a company limited by guarantee. Registration number: 977818 England. Registered Office: 309 Regent Street, London W1B 2UW.

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